The position is a contract role with compensation of $4,000-$5,000 per month for a 6-month term, depending on location and experience. Hours are not to exceed 30 per week.
Preferred Education:
4 Year Degree
Additional Information:
Telecommuting is allowed.
Rest of World is a non-profit international newsroom that challenges expectations about whose experiences with technology matter. We connect dots across a rapidly evolving digital world, through on-the-ground reporting in places typically overlooked and underestimated.
Since launching in 2020, we’ve published more than 1,600 stories from over 100 countries. We’ve covered everything from gig workers, internet shutdowns and supply chain abuses to livestreaming battles, disappeared influencers and unexpected crypto contagion. Our reporting has won recognition in the U.S. and internationally, and our work has prompted companies and policymakers to take action.
Rest of World is looking for a Social Video Producer to join our audience team for a 6 month term to collaborate with our editorial staff on new initiatives in audience engagement through social video. The right person for this opportunity appreciates the art and science of reaching, engaging, and building loyal readership among a truly global audience. You have solid experience and expertise in creating social video, as well as knowledge of platforms where people post, share, and consume them, and how people are finding news via social video today. You understand the uses and idiosyncrasies of each of the key social platforms, with specific experience creating for TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. You understand that these platforms are not just traffic drivers to our stories, but are powerful standalone editorial products. You know how to listen for what audiences are discussing and sharing in platforms that reach across the geographies and subject areas we cover.
This position will report to the Head of Audience and work closely with our audience, editorial, and product teams.
Location for this role is flexible, though we have a preference for candidates who can be based in New York and work with the audience team from our HQ.
The position is a contract role with compensation of $4,000-$5,000 per month for a 6-month term, depending on location and experience. Hours are not to exceed 30 per week.
To apply, please send a resume and a cover letter to with “Social Video Producer” in the subject line. In your cover letter, please give us a sense of who you are and how you work, your experience in social video, what you think of our journalism and social video, and why you think social video is an important part of the journalism world today.
We will be accepting applications until September 20, 2024 at 5pm ET.
Working at Rest of World
Rest of World is an equal opportunity workplace. We value inclusion and diversity, and anyone who applies and qualifies for opportunities in the organization will receive consideration for employment without discrimination against age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, color or disability.
Create social video about Rest of World, our articles, and our journalists for TikTok, Instagram, and other platforms, with a weekly output of 3-5 video projects.
Own creative and technical production, including writing and editing scripts, working with reporters and editors, designing still and motion graphics, and serving as a host for some videos
Work closely with the editorial team to find the best ways to translate their articles into video and other visual posts, gather footage from reporting trips or recording interviews, and integrate social video ideas from the outset of editorial projects.
Test out formats, determine which work best for our journalism, our reporters, and our audience, and create templates we can use repeatedly
Pitch standalone video concepts outside of article explainers and synopses, finding innovative ways to spark conversation with our audience and build interest around our journalists
Measure the performance, reach, and impact of your work, and share the results, insights, and recommendations with the larger team
Work with freelance video editors based in the regions we cover, overseeing their work shooting and editing video projects. Work with freelance video editors based in the regions we cover, over
1-4 years video creation and editing experience, including in-platform editing and creation tools as well as Premiere, Canva, Photoshop, etc.
Strategic understanding of video formats and platforms
Ability to analyze performance data and report to the larger team
An innovative thinker, a creative storyteller by nature who enjoys experimenting and working in a startup culture
Experience in journalism and engagement with creating journalism in social video formats
Ability to write smart, concise, witty headlines, social posts, and synopses
Knowing what kind of video formats, imagery and illustrations resonate with social video audiences
Rest of World is an international publication focused on exploring the impact of technology beyond the Western bubble. Our goal is to surface and showcase the surprising and often unintended effects of tech in places that get little attention from mainstream news outlets.
Through compelling storytelling and fresh, innovative design, our digital publication explores the spaces where tech, culture and human experience collide. We are a mission-driven nonprofit that aims to push forward our understanding of technology’s role in rapidly changing cultures.
The Rest of World team includes journalists, editors, designers, and technologists who have worked at The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Japan Times, BuzzFeed News, Quartz, The New Yorker, Roc Nation, Al Jazeera, South China Morning Post, and more. The team speaks 20 languages and its members have lived in 41 countries and counting.